What does it mean to win?

       Let’s say you went to your nephew’s baseball game and they actually kept score, and your nephew’s team lost 10-1. All ten runs were scored in the first inning by the other team. Well, what happened from the second inning and on? Did your nephew’s  team play...

The horse is not thirsty

The horse is not thirsty     It is really amazing of what is happening in education. Standards are increasing, yet ability is decreasing, but it is not just the ability; it is the lack of desire. When you are given everything, why should you work? What is the...

Poem written in Sedona October 2016

Ancestral arena of my soul (trip to Sedona) By James Pesutich, Jr. 10/29/16     Towers perched in stone An eternal arena of Earth and Sky. Feeling the need to be alone As the midday sun strokes my middle eye.   I want to hear The voices in the wind As...

Teachers need to learn the basics

Teaching is very demanding, but teachers (yours truly included) make mistakes on the basics. We can usually agree that teaching is a very difficult job, but sometimes teachers (including me) make situations worse on the approach. Which of the following sounds...

Importance of boundaries

     Schools need to enforce boundaries and procedures.  In the fall of 2006, during lunch, we had a fight between about twenty students and they were grouped up racially: African-Americans and Latino students. This incident was a culmination of appeasement policies...
James Pesutich