Marketing Consultants provide the “how.”
Dear business owner:
I was just watching an episode of my favorite shows –Bar Rescue.
Mr. Jon Taffer goes in and helps rescue a bar financially, but he also usually ends up rescuing relationships and communities.
He delivers an outside perspective, accountability, fresh ideas and a push to get back to the basics with innovative ideas.
When you started a business, you probably had all these plans and you were told that desire is the most important thing. You need to have the desire and the dreaming of a business.
And that’s great, but eventually you need to know the “how” because money and years of hard work are on the line.
Jon Taffer studies the local demographics. For instance, if most of the local population is over 50, you know not to create a nightclub with loud, repetitive house music.
A marketing consultant will do the little things that fill in the gaps.
But you might be thinking, “I can’t afford to hire Jon Taffer.”
True, but you can hire someone who does just what he does.
I know that as a business owner, you are weighed down with many concerns:
- How will we get out of debt?
- How will I get a business going?
- How do we get capital?
But at some point, you need to pass on that burden to someone who has the “how.”
Jon Taffer IS a marketing consultant.
The important thing is thinking, but in the business world, you need someone with a plan.
You need someone who knows the ins and outs of the market.
You need a marketing consultant.
There are many benefits to hiring a marketing consultant:
- Getting an outside perspective.
Let’s face it; sometimes it is beneficial to have an objective perspective. You need someone who comes in with fresh ideas and no preconceptions. You need a person who understands your market.
- Increases accountability.
You want to look good and you want to represent your company well, so a marketing consultant will keep everyone on their toes and push them to do well.
- Saves time.
This frees you up to do payroll, buy supplies and check inventory or perhaps do some advertising.
- Saves money and prevents over-hiring.
In your business, you already have expenses. If you hire an employee, you have payroll taxes and even possibly health insurance. You can use those resources to hire a consultant who is hungry to prove his value and expertise.
And much more!
Now of course, Jon Taffer is a temporary marketing consultant, but marketing consultants can get rehired over and over by the same company for different projects.
Imagine having a permanent Jon Taffer who will provide accountability, a fresh perspective, and innovative ideas.
You will never fail!
So, when it comes to that special project, quality control, consistent customer experiences or anything else, consider hiring a marketing consultant that will fill in the gaps and provide solutions for your business!