Rush’s Tom Sawyer offers valuable philosophy lesson

Rush’s Tom Sawyer offers a valuable philosophy lesson. I love Rush and I recognized and appreciated Neil Peart’s intellectual and curious song lyrics. The following lyrics offer a great lesson in Philosophy and debate: He knows changes aren’t permanent/ But change is/...

Rush’s hemispheres provides insightful lesson

Rush’s Hemispheres contains a very important lesson. A few weeks ago, I introduced mythological/archetypal critical perspectives and there was an essay discussing Apollonian vs. Dionysian philosophy, so I couldn’t resist indulging in playing Hemispheres by Rush...

Tough Love

Tough Love in the Heart and Gut Yesterday, I grabbed my mail and as I was scrolling through, I found a health report stating a new shocking discovery that heart problems begin in the gut. That makes sense if you take Yoga because a weekly class is designated for...

Toastmasters Revive the lost art of communication. Throughout the past five years or so, I have noticed that many times I have been interrupted by the other person, and I am sure I have been guilty of the same thing once or a hundred times. That made me think about...

The Color of Common Sense

There is a Korean name for the concept, “water up, fire down” that I forget how to spell and annunciate, but it refers to a healthy state for the body when the body has a cool head and warm heart, hands, abdomen, and feet. The Dahnjan, the second chakra that is...

Common Sense vs Censorship

Common Sense vs. Censorship I do not know which is more disturbing: the fact that Florida had to sign into law the anti-grooming of K-2 students making sure they are not indoctrinated until at least 3rd grade, or that some people are actually mad about it. Most people...
James Pesutich